more and more i read, regarding the whole myriad of CD systems available. it was overwhelming, at first, especially the jargons used. AIO, AI2, pocket. what's the difference between insert AND soaker???? what's the difference of fabrics used to make these cute stuff? THERE'S ACTUALLY FABRIC MADE OF BAMBOO???
to name a few.
on and on i read, and did a lot of research to avoid disappointment (and waste of money). at first, the thought of using one size cloth diaper was very tempting. but the more i read, the more i came upon mothers who failed to use the one-sized ones since newborn, mainly because after all, newborns are very small, and the cutting of onesize CD just don't cut it.
at 26weeks i finally decided that i would use lampin and small sized diaper cover during confinement, and when my baby finally fit, the one-size CD would be economical.
during confinement, i used lampin, folded macam kapalterbang tu (the proper term is origami fold), lapik dengan liner, with thirsties cover XS or duowrap size 1. tak payah pakai pin/snappi pun (buat rugi beli je), sbb lampin tu tak bergerak pun dlm cover. umar was snug and happy in them. memang kena banyak kali tukar, sebab umar is a poopertrooper, and lampin cepat basah so baby kurang selesa. on the other hand, we experienced zero diaper rash episode. yeay!
malam still pakai huggies though, sebab tak confident dapat bagi umar pakai lampin dgn selesa malam2.
i also used thirsties duo insert, but since Bonnie (of ada 2 keping je size 1, tu je la rezeki umar. but more on that later :D
during confinement, i used lampin, folded macam kapalterbang tu (the proper term is origami fold), lapik dengan liner, with thirsties cover XS or duowrap size 1. tak payah pakai pin/snappi pun (buat rugi beli je), sbb lampin tu tak bergerak pun dlm cover. umar was snug and happy in them. memang kena banyak kali tukar, sebab umar is a poopertrooper, and lampin cepat basah so baby kurang selesa. on the other hand, we experienced zero diaper rash episode. yeay!
malam still pakai huggies though, sebab tak confident dapat bagi umar pakai lampin dgn selesa malam2.
i also used thirsties duo insert, but since Bonnie (of ada 2 keping je size 1, tu je la rezeki umar. but more on that later :D
hahaha, ada jual lagi ke lampin and plastik lampin tu? i feel so ancient now. nowadays, nampak budak2 pakai CD or pampers je.
nway, you have to guide me later when my times come. looks like this diaper thing is quite complicated :)
nnti bila ko rajin stroll along baby aisle, mesti jumpa lagi lampin n plastic tie pants tu hehehe tp aku tak kuasa la nk pakai tie pants tu, cepat koyak. skrg ada bykkkkk diaper cover yg comels2..
inshaAllah buleh je nnti if u have anything to ask about this. mula2 mmg complicated but once u decide what to use, it gets easier :D
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