Monday, April 28, 2008

blasted warehouses..

went for a rare girls' day out last saturday with a couple of ol' schoolmates, to warehouse sales... tp huuuuhhh... penat je bgn awal (for a saturday)... the organizers mcm xtau organize lgsg... hampeeessss...

it was a one day event, started at 10 am... by the time we arrived (roughly 8.45) there's already a long queue.. granted la mmg we kinda expected it because its for only one day n renowned brands involved... but then, ppl yg usher tu punnnn... rearrange queue smpai 3 kali btpe... skjp q cmni, pastu q cmtu plk... last2 brader yg q kt blkg kitorg tetibe je dah siap beli brg n kuar dari hall tuh.. yg kitorg nih dok q pjg lagi n xdpt masuk hall lg pun... ayyyammm btl...

fed up & lapar (sorg mabok, sorg lagi nk pitam), we surrendered our q spot to the neverending crowd.. quote: 'q pjg smpai timbaktu dah'... and headed to another shopping spot... not a one-day warehouse sale but a warehouse.. ;) went to MO in pandan jaya.. although x beli pape but
will definitely come back... byk beaded farah khan dresses yg cntik!! throw a french lace kebaya top onto the dress n voila! pakai untuk nikah or wedding reception sgt cantik (not for me ok... dah lps my time)... it'll certainly put a lil' dent in ur wallet tp xla burn right thru like if u tempah semua... n byk pucci purses n tods n furla bags n cole haan n baaaannnnyyyaaaaakkk lagi...

finally, last stop... klcc.. havent been there like, berzaman oredi ok... i remembered what kind of crowd usually there during weekends so i kinda avoided it.. but anyways... bought a topman shir
t for cik abg.. had lunch (twice, hahaha).. then bought a lil' sumthing sumthing very cute for me.. n last but not least, the beauty product for the month, a pot of mac blusher to replenish/replace my bobbi brown.. i like!!

since kuar dari awal pagi, by 3 dah mengantuk (hahaha... kena build up stamina lg nih nk soping..) so we head back home with our purchases.. tell u what, dah lps kawen nk dkt sethn (owh really rasa baru mcm sebulan kawen... ahaks!!) ni i really appreciate going out with GFs more than ever.. thanks babes! :)

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