Monday, September 1, 2008

on the first day of ramadhan


1st day puasa, already i have to break my fast alone. ape la nasib....

i dunno why, for some reason, hariz is always picked to work during public holidays. when we were stil a couple, once dia kena kerja on the first day raya!

until now, i stil cant get it. tmpat yg dia keja tuh byk non muslim, n i bet not everybody keja time public holidays. i can understand if its christmas, or cny, or deepavali, which dia mmg sllu kena. but this... hmmm.

maybe aku xphm sbb aku keja gomen kan, kat private mmg cmtu kot.

n maybe because he's one of the last few male staff yg ada yg buleh dikerah utk bekerja time2 cni. kat health sector, mmg lelakinya sgt nak hampir pupus. cuba kalo aku (bini org) ke, mak budak ke kena, mesti melenting punye lah.

which reminds me of the last puasa when we first came to as husband and wife. that was uneventful, syukur Alhamdulillah, although we had to balik kampung separately to kedah since he couldnt take a long cuti (but i could), then two days before raya, went back to terengganu to celebrate eid mubarak. hopefully things work out fine this time around too.

nasib baik aku bgn pagi td masak nasik goreng yg dia nak utk sahur :)

ramadhan mubarak everyone. selamat berpuasa!

nak makan ape ye berbuka sorg2 kat umah nih...... hmmmmmm... any suggestion? delivery dah order tghari semlm... huhuhu..


Reen said...

itula susahnya keje dgn private sector nih...huhuhuhu tak sama weih dgn gomen...
normal perceiption from a private sector worker to a gomen worker is that gomen worker keje goyang kaki! haha which is not true at all..tapi at least tak perlu stay up late night ker kan or bring back the work to home.

tapi sian weih laki hang...raya pun tak leh cuti lama..huhuhu

anis-chan said...

org gomen goyang kaki kalo kat hospital dan klinik mmg tipu la.. xsempat nak makan pun kekdg.. tp mmg, jarang sgt la kena bwk keja blk umah. n kebanyakan org gomen time balik mmg terus lesap, but not me ;)

f a r i n a said...

babe. kapan2 kita berbuka puasa sama lah...haha...calling2 ya! daa!