things i shouldn't have thought and said
well, i did say i want to post on some things that reminded me of painful matters right.. hhhhmm.. but now i decided against it. dah lupa pun nak tulis apa. tu la, time ingat tuh tanak tulis. told u, i can get touchy feely very easy one..... tp kalo biar lama skt lupa lah apa yg aku marah, aku sedih, aku kecik hati ke hape sumer. tp the most dangerous thing is i'm easily triggered back, n then everything will come rushing back to me like a gush of tidal wave, n knock me back a bit.not good for the heart, no? apa kata puan doktor?lets juz get on. si yah ni, org tag dia, dia tag kita blk time tu jgk... hhahaha.. mcm tau2 je.
1. Copy gambar di atas lalu post di blog anda
2. Teruskan tags ini minimum ke 5 blogger muslim yang anda kenal.
3. Jangan lupa tinggalkan komen pada blog mereka
4. Tulis alamat blog anda (di bawah gambar) setelah alamat blog pemberi tag
Pemberi tag
1. cik yah
Penerima tag
1. cik nor shahidah
2. cik farah norlaily
3. cik siti nuryati
4. cik soon to be puan azriati
5. cik soon to be puan nadya
6. puan aishah hafiz
napa aku kat the bottom of the list nih?
adakah sbb aku sudah menjadi puan??
ha ah eh, ko sorg plk tuh. ampun ye, terikut signage plk, xperasan pun... kihkihkih.. xpe xpe kita sama geng... puan2 yg masih berhati cik kihkihkih
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