had a terrific cuti. connection breakdown at home made it impossible to update during the weekend. so, a lil' bit of everything:
janji dgn hariz nak p MPH distributors sale tu seawal mungkin. tp alih-alih pukul 8 jgk baru nk mengeliat2 bgn dari katil (tu pun mak amazed (she called from saudi that morning), ai, awal bgn! - hahaha, kantoi!) iron baju, goreng kropok lekor, buat air, mandi2, siap2, have breakfast... pukul 9.30 baru jalan. sampai pkl 10, dah susah gila carik parking, since there zara and mausimo dutti pnye warehouse sale juz across the street.
dah tgk the ad in the star since 22hb, tp forgot all about it and went to buy BREAKING DAWN at full price of RM50! after i bought it only hariz asked me why didnt i wait for the sale. aiyoh, lupaaa!!! imagine my horror looking at it at the warehouse at only RM32!!! keciwa!!
tp xpe. i managed to bag quite a few. the highlights:
contemplated to buy this as its stil a tad pricey ( i could've bought THREE books for the price of this one!) tp hariz pointed out that i wd be looking for it later anyway and it retails for RM90, so, into the basket it went. soft cover, RM55, hard cover RM58. no price for guessing which version that i bought ;)
this one was a mystery for the MPH staff to solve. i saw it inside the warehouse at RM32, so decided not to buy. but then saw it again, outside. at RM15. fab grab!
pagi, went to tg karang for a friend's engagement ceremony. lmbat skt gerak sbb hariz kena p hospital prepare chemo, ada dr yg 'baik' sgt order four day course throughout the cuti. nasib baik sampai ngam2 pkl 12, rombongan lelaki baru nak bertolak.
ptg pkl 3, bertolak dr tg karang to farina's open house. lasagna sedap!!! and apple crumble yg aku request pun ada. yeay! dah brp kali mintak resipi, tp x tulis. then x buat2 plk tu kan, harus la lupa. peon dgn baik ati bagi kertas dan pen utk aku tulis resipi. lps ni x lupa dah! ;) thanks farina, ur a fab host!
blk umah, dah lps maghrib, baca novel 2-3 page, terus tergolek tido. aku golek2 kat luar, hariz golek2 kat dalam. pkl 10 terjaga, masuk bilik sambung golek2 bersama2. penat!!
went to ampang to visit hariz's cousin yg baru deliver baby girl. cumeeelll sgtttt!! tp x dpt nk dukung. asek tido je si kecik tuh. congrats yah! ur an aunt! :)
then anto my sis back to her hostel in shah alam. b4 that, lunch kat subang. yep, all this while my sis ada with me kat umah, tp dia ikut ke mana2 pun sbb puasa. kesian aku tinggal dia sorg2 tp nak buat cne, karang terliur plk p umah org kan.
ko tgk, brp byk tmpat dlm selangor aku cover dlm 3 hari?
kepong - pj - kepong - tg karang - pj - kepong - ampang - subang - shah alam - kepong.
lps tu wonder why rumah asek bersawang. go figure lah.
ngehngeh.....thanks kak...
counting days nk blk nieh...
tho paper xabes laie...hikshiks...
bb kuat tido ke?? ahhaha...ikot makcu die kot =D
wah, kak anis...lps nieh if u enter le tour d selangor, kompem akak n abg aris menang r!!=p~
blk bln 11 kan? blh order bulu kambing hahahaha...
tu lah tu yah... penat badan chek... xdak anak lagi blh la jln2... hehehe..
hahahah..jln jgn xjln...
ayong tuh dh bebel bl tau my list of places to go during d break...
die bebel suh jg die pdhal dengki xnk kasik me jln2...hahahahah
siyes ka nk kirim bulu kmbg neih?? hahah...nzd rate tgh jatuh nieh =D
tu lah akak tgk jgk... sakan budak nih jalan... hahahaha...
bulu kambeng tu nak letak mana cek... jadi tukang simpan sawang buleh la.. hahahaha.. saje je..
ur next summer lah when i move from the dusty house, haaa, lps tu blh la order... heheehe..
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