masa skolah dulu sgt suka baca books by this author, as it swept me off my feet with its dazzling and dashing dukes and earls and their share of equally beautiful (and virgin) wives, with their swishing 19th century ballgowns, living in their larger than life mansion.. errr.. u get what i mean..
yep, dulu sgt suka berangan (actually sampai skrg pun..)
judith mcnaught, in one way or another, has taught me quite a bit about relationships n its ups and downs, albeit century old kind of love.
farina ckp ada baaannyyyaaakk buku judith mcnaught di MPH Distributors Sale itu. haruslah kene pegi kan! :D
suka baca paradise! hehe sgt best!
tu lah. paradise yg aku ingt, aku ckp best, tp lupa dh pasal apa kuikuikui. carik jgk kat mph sale tuh. tp ada perfect ja, yg jenis stok tebal cm paradise tuh.
yg len2 JM yg version baru2, ala yg hero dia bisnes2 taikun yg berjaya tuh. bosan. nk yg duke2 ja.
last2 aku beli satu ja JM. xpa, buku len byk ;)
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