Wednesday, December 31, 2008


time did juz fly by kan. tau2 esok dah 2009. 2009 means i'm nearing 2year mark of my marriage.. thats a thought. dah lama jugak ber-relationship dgn hubster. emmm lama ke? 2001-2009..

ok. wow.

sudah ada resolution utk maal hijrah dan tahun baru? hmm.. i never set my mind to anything solid lah. nampak sgt org yg tak ber visi hahaha but for this coming 2009/1430 i seriously need to shed all these excess baggage i have on me!!!!! -terasa mcm diri semakin renek-

others, as usual.. be a better wife, better daughter, better worker. take care of my hair & skin.

oh, n sila lah rajin skt mengemas rumah cik anis oi. bila nk ber-5S di rumah nih... pemalas!

n another note, i dapat award dari cik farah you! thanks darl!!! *cium cium*

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