friday night went to peon's solemnization. u can read more at farina's place. aku pegi straight from work as hariz abis keje pukul 6 sthing. tp kalo tau about 9 baru start we'd gone back home first n freshen up. kesian hubbs, by the end of it at about 12 cmtu, he looked as if the lorry has run him over. tp xpe busuk2 pun laki aku jugak ;)
but anyway, the event was nice and smooth, the bride looked very gorgeous n sgt lah excited, pose apa yg dia x buat for the camera hehehe. but the groom wasnt outdone in excitedness, akad sekali je, laju nk mati plk tuh. nampak sgt seronok nk kawen kan hehehe xpa2 understood2, mmg sgt seronok nak kawen :D jenuh bagi signal ke peon suruh2 dia buat malu2 skt atas pelamin tu. dia dok sebok bat her eyelashes ke cameraman blkg tok kadi. si tok kadi plk xperasan the bride was behind him, not behind the groom (which is sofia, who tok kadi mistaken as the bride. buleh x?). that, was hilarious. anyhoo peon, u looked absolutely radiant, and u n zeff made such a lovely couple. so happy for uuuu!!
the next day i couldnt attend peon's reception kat umah sbb hariz keje. tried to make fist-sized meatballs tp x berani, takut toaster oven aku terkejut. maka buat la meatballs sebesar fist baby hehehe. lps mkn a very late lunch with hariz, we made our way to one utama for last minute shopping. pukul 6 baru sampai (walaupun rumah hanya sekangkang kera from ou). haruslah parking mcm nk mati cari.

nk tgk outlander, tp xjadi since available seats were like 3 rows from the screen. xde laki hensem, maka xde makna nya nk tgk dekat2 cmtu kan. we went on n shop3, sempat jugak la ke our fave place and grab some stuffs. then mkn waffles pada pukul 9.30 mlm. mana la x kembang segala maknenek yg ada pada badan aku.
we also bought a lil something for my sis since she got 7A 2B for her PMR. i say, ok lah tu, buleh sambung lg kat skolah tu. spm lagi penting kan.
come sunday we went to reception at zeff's side. aku buleh x perasan address zeff tu rupanya selang sebaris je dgn umah cousin aku. hmpeh. ye je kata x tau jalan, padahal dah penah pegi. hampeh.
after this i got loads of things to do, at work satu hal, at home, mana nak sort out baju nk let go lagi (since aku menggemuk dan xmengurus kembali lagi pun) buang barang2 yg x pakai, n start packing skt2, in between that sempat lagi nk balik trganu, si hariz balik mengundi. ada sapa nak pesan sutera terengganu? aku bab bab shopping ni laju aje hehehe
hehehe zeff akad mmg laju.. tok kadi tuh mmg aaa sia² buat pelamin nikah ... patutla org kate muke kitorang same... anywayssss anis and hariz, thankssss for coming and the gift!! see u this saturday !!
ur most welcome dear :D
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