Monday, January 5, 2009


arini disebabkan first day for bebudak masuk darjah satu, haruslah jln jam kan. we were out of the house like more than 15 mins earlier than usual to get the same kind of traffic as masa bulan 11-12.

mcm hape je bersiap. and those who knows me know, that i have those veryrajinidollupmyfacefor1/2hour days, and those sgtmalassampaimosturisernbedakpunxpakai days. n today is one of the latter days. handbag pun bawak sampai 2, the clutch that i used yesterday, n office handbag. semua gara2 xtransfer barang back into the one that i'm supposed to bring today.

okies. lari tajuk plk. nk cerita pasal jam tadi. although it was kinda smooth, albeit a lot of cars, there were a few times yg kitorg sipi2 nk accident. hariz mmg a fast driver, that i admit, but these few 'almost accident' moments came from those yg dtg dari lane sebelah yg nk ke lane that we're on without giving signals. a few times in one short 40minute journey is a lot. kalo ko tgh laju tetiba org dari lane sebelah nk cut through in front of u mana la nak sempat nk slow2. not our fault, we were on the rightest lane anyway so mmg la laju.

what i'm saying is juz pls la jgn buat mcm tu, kalo rebeh keta laki aku tu sapa jugak susah, org yg langgar tu la kan nk kena bayar. dh la keta tgh byk, kalo accident kan ke lagi jam. ko sebok nk rush2, pastu accident, lagi melambatkan perjalanan ko. ha, time tu baru la aku nak kata;


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