Friday, January 1, 2010

hello early weekend!

again, watching (literally on the tv) 2009 went by sambil mesej2 panas kenapa bajet farmasi selangor kena slash. heard the fireworks but wasnt too bothered. yelah, dok tepi bukit la katakan. dekat tapi jauh je dengan the curve tu. kalau aku p tak pasal2 jangkit org hahaaha

apart from the sayup2 bunga api, no shouts or countdown heard around my neighbourhood... aahhh tenang... mcm dok kat kampung. masa christmas ada pulak countdown and org mabuk berparti. agak nya senyap sebab org semua pegi the curve.

hnnssshh. rindu nak kuar rumah. rindu nak p OU. rindu nak p layan nephew2 hariz, si kecik fawwaz pipi tembam yg aku suka gigit2. ntah aku dah boleh kuar umah belum. org tua2 ckp time tgh mengering ni la dia cari rumah baru. but how kering is kering?

oh mannnn kena batang idung sendiri soalan bodoh yg aku selalu tanya orang lain.

spent time browsing spring make up collection for 2010, n this anna sui's version of spring is sooo not inviting. luckily its not replacing the permanent ones. i always loved the texture, packaging and smell of anna sui's make up. my anna sui lippie tgh last lap dah, kena beli baru???!!!

different colour for different finishes: black (glossy), blue (sheer), purple (pearly) and red (pigmented)

pic courtesy of

mine, yang dah tinggal stubs.
pic googled


reena said...

I like the 1st lippie! Cantik color dia.

anis-chan said...

anna sui mmg best reena, kalau u suka yg jenis ada fragrance la kan. bila letak kat lips bau air bandung hahaha tp collection ni tak p tgk lagi tp nmpk mcm tak lawa la pulak