i'm not the kind that once i wear it i'll never take it off. noooo i just HAVE TO take it off everytime i wash my hands, take ablutions, shower, sleep, its amazing how i didnt lost it all my three years that i had it.
until it happened. today. we were at my BIL's when i took it off n hung it into my un'clasp'able watch, as usual. but i didnt keep it in a bag or anything, instead i juz put it on the carpet (???!!!).
masa nak balik tu laaaa cari tak jumpa. abis satu rumah kena punggah tak jumpa. balik meleleh2 airmata. tapi senyap2 je sebab nnti mesti kena bebel. tapi sayang ok. mana tak risau. that was my engagement ring, n i love love love my fossil.

mine is in copper.
pic googled.
balik rumah punggah satu2 semua kain silk trganu yg berkotak2 yg dibawak balik. pun tak jumpa.
until my BIL's wife called. rupanya si naufal 'simpan' dalam bakul basikal dia. adoiiiiiii... penat risau weiiii..
i'm feeling a storm of headache coming up. dah la esok kerja. i hate mondays. titik.
kak aniss....naseb kite serupe...i lost my guess watch together wif my ring!!! but unlike u, till now i havent found em yet, stress ok!! skrg jgk nkp cr dlm bakul aliya....finger cross!!
laaaa...bila nya yg hilang tu? punggah yah.. anywhere is a possibility. go go chaiyo!
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