my ramadhan this year is quite good, alhamdulillah. berjaya bangun sahur tiap2 pagi! yeay! (touchwood) harap2 sampai hujung ramadan i'll still keep up. kalau tak mmg mashaAllah susah susah SUSAAAHHH mau bangun sahur, minum milo pun tutup mata. skrg sudah improve, walaupun juz with cereal / milk / bread / weetameal / milo with supplements and loads and loads of plain water :D
iftar pun menarik. yg klakar nya i'm not very tempted with all the stuff at the bazaar. but i'm not a lavish spender kat bazaar ramadhan anyway, cukup dengan 1+1 main for me and him, 1 jenis kuih / light side dish and air kalau agak2 kena berbuka dlm keta. this year smpat balik rumah b4 azan, so beli lauk half, another half masak je, dgn nasik.
all weekends for ramadhan scheduled for travel / reunion etc. last weekend sudah balik sp, berpening bersama2 abah cari lampu kipas curtain segala. abah sgt ambitious, lps pasang lampu dah nak naik rumah baru. tapi serious tak habis2 beli lampu, i have no idea that a house can pack so much lamps!
i've been hankering for the third Stila Girl Travel palettes, gila punya stalk website hari2 tgk tak keluar2 lagi. brapa haribulan dah ni???? (mesti esok kuar, last month kuar 20hb)
just so you know, the first two look like these:

~pic credits to
1 comment:
Selamat hari raya, Anis! maaf zahir batin ya :) Enjoy your raya!
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