so, dah lama xcerita kan. on a few topics:
byk mende last2 minute kena amend lah keje aku maka ehhemmm.. sedikit busy. tp sempat lagi jln2 dan shopping2 hehehe.. ye la, christmas sale ada yang dah start. maka my so-called resolution to keep from giving away my cash to the cashiers was once again washed out in the drain. the one i'm currently secretly coveting (since i'm 187% positive that hubster will kill me if i ever so much as THOUGHT of buying it):
ouh, pagi td otw dtg tmpat keje, i was wondering why the heck that hitz fm keep playing from one britney's song to another. lepas satu, satu. aku tukar stesen, lepas 5 menet tukar blk ke hitz, britney lagi. turned out it's her birthday today and they're playing 4hours nonstop of her songs.
takpelah, hari ni aku dgr fly dgn sinar je lah.
cuak ni sebenarnya. i have to do a presentation for a national seminar on health morbidity survey this friday. it covers a lot of topics, like almost 20, and each topic has a lot of chapters. mine is a small, teeny weeny chapter in 'health information' topic, for selangor state. ciput jeeee... tp disuruh present. ayam betul. write up paper for my chapter tu siiikkiiittt je, yg national punya paper abt 20+ pages, the extracted data for selangor state that i have to do, write up tinggal 10 page je OK! aku nk citer hape lama2? hmmmmhhhh... risau risau..
tgh risau2 pun sempat nk join contest online, by PB again called “My Women Stuff Christmas Giveaway! this time sgt syiok, ada nana may's face and hand scrub that i've been wanting!!! yeayyyy!!!
friday night we'll be heading back to trganu to celebrate raya aji. ye lah, raya puasa dah kat kedah, mesti la raya aji blk trganu pulak. i'll be staying there for a week until the next saturday / sunday, alang2 isnin dengan khamis cuti, aku amik la cuti 3 hari kan... eeheeehh, khamis cuti birthday sultan selangor eh, state lain x cuti hahaha
lama dok kat trganu nih asek mkn je la aku nmpk gayanya (padahal blk ke mana-mana pun mkn byk jugak ;))
on the back of my mind: cuti di umah PIL lama nih, that should justify my NEED to buy leggings in myriad of colours kan :D
lace and fishnet, perrrggghhh!!
anis chan...
ada ea stila tu?
aku ni buta fashion2, make-up2 ni sume.. duduk kat hujung telok ni, aku pikir ada baju pakai udah..
gud to have you as reference..and farina of cosh..
if i'm not mistaken this blockbuster set ada kat pavillion kut aritu baca blog sapa tah. kaunter kat tmpat len xtau pulak :)
btw aku pun sgt rajin online shopping although dok kat kl buleh x? hahahaha
one site yg aku recommend ada kat sidebar aku nama june-miller collections. dlm byk2 blogshop (trust me aku dh tgk byk gile blogshop) dia la yg offer plg murah bag2 sumer. dia antara yg aku penah beli, service pun ok cepat, bungkus brg cantik2, siap dapat free gift! :D
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