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what u need,
siakap sekor (obviously)
1 biji telur (pukul)
tepung jagung (untuk coat ikan)
1 tbsp tepung jagung - campur dengan 3 tbsp air (untuk pekatkan kuah)
yellow, green and red bell pepper, cut into squares
carrot, cubed
a cube of chicken stock, diluted in a cup of hot water
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 onion, sliced thinly
3 tbsp sos tomato
cili kering, blend - 2-3 tbsp
1 tbsp cuka
1 tbsp sos tiram
salt, sugar and pepper to taste
1. bersihkan ikan, kelar. season with salt and pepper.
2. dip ikan into the beaten egg. coat with cornflour. fry the fish in hot oil.
3. bila ikan dah masak, alih ikan tu from the wok. reduce the oil to about 2tbsp.
4. tumis bawang putih and onion.
5. dah wangi, add in cili blend. tumis sampai pecah minyak.
6. add in sos tomato, sos tiram, cuka, chicken stock,and sugar.
7. add in bell peppers and carrot. biar lembut sikit.
8. add in tepung jagung solution tadi. add salt and pepper. adjust sweetness and sourness according to your preference. biar pekat n mendidih.
9. tuang kuah atas ikan goreng tadi. garnish. siap dihidang!
are u enjoice (bak kata afdlin in AIM16)??? yumyum!
byk sgh recipes u posted lately =P~
kalau bln puase mmg la mengidam...ahax...
anyhoo...sjje nk share tips..
ade petua ckp xelok klu kite cmpur mknn laut n darat (like telo or daging...)
so wut i did, instead coat d ikan wif telor, akak leh gune mixture of flour, water n pinch of salt...ngehehehhe....
lapa la prot tgk ikan....ikan kt cnie mahal =(
thanks for the tip! awal tu mmg ingat nak goreng bodoh je, but i got a lot of recipes that advises that, so buat je la
i was thinking along that line too (ikan x campur dgn ayam) but then again my concscience said, telur tak jadi ayam lagiiii...'pandai' sangatttt.. hahaha
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