elok je berat aku turun, time raya2 cina nih masak nasik hari2, breakfast keropok lekor hari2. eh anis, jgn jadi penipu, hari isnin breakfast cereal. but still. bagus kan perangai.
mana la cik siti x montel mcm cik ti ekoq panjang tuh.... tp ada jugak cik ti yg kurus, kan kan kan..
dah la mkn nasik siang malam, mengular plk tuh. dok tgk cerita kat umah. aku dan hariz rasa cerita benjamin button tu bosan. tp x tau la. maybe jgk sbb masa tu aku sibuk telek katalog ikea(utk sekian kalinya), dan hariz lalok mkn actifed, maka kami x concentrate, dan maka lagi, xbest cerita tu jadinya. does it warrant a second chance?
tgk la. kalo sempat.
setelah di postpone sgggtttt la lama, baru tgk mamma mia. kesimpulan yg aku blh buat, laki hensem sllunya suara x sedap. contoh, pierce brosnan. enough said.
tgk max payne. pun bosan. no wonder aku baca review the movie's a pain. but anyway, first few minutes tu aku dah rasa bosan, sempat la sambil2 tu bloghopping, maka x concentrate jugak.
nak tgk underworld x dapat. masa opening night dia kat pyramid tu we had to park at the roof, which never happened b4. sllunya plg tinggi kena naik pun CP6 yg xsampai spuloh pun org park. ni CP7 pun kena round dua kali. gila. tunggu lepas pindah ah tgk.
pengajaran. nak p pyramid sila park kat basement. lagi senang nk carik parking.
sure korg bosan, aku ckp nak pindah berkurun2 dah, tp x pindah lagi kan? aku pun malas nak ckp pasal tu. dont ask. its complicated. tp tetap akan pindah.
baru pack baju je!! pinggan mangkuk sofa katil segala blmmm!!! panic!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
ok. cukup.
sgt, sgt, sgt, sgt, SENGKEK.
no more blogshops (or any other shops for that matter) at least until midyear ok.
aiyyoohh, kuat ke?
but it was all worth it.
tabah anis tabah. walaupun charles n keith dah dkt kat o.u. je.
go go chaiyo!
sgt, sgt, sgt, sgt, SENGKEK.
no more blogshops (or any other shops for that matter) at least until midyear ok.
aiyyoohh, kuat ke?
but it was all worth it.
tabah anis tabah. walaupun charles n keith dah dkt kat o.u. je.
go go chaiyo!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
sori la encik2 sekalian, terbusy skt. lps blk cuti je, this week ada 2 short courses. keja pun x siap. hampeh.
anyway, blk trganu dah setel. its always been a joy blk to hariz's parents' place, since it means lots of fresh fish, and my favourite sotong celup tepung. the by-election went quite smoothly i think, though i didnt dare go accompany hariz tgk tmpt mengundi tuh. i did go out at about 7.15 am cmtu with my MIL, p berurut. walaupun moksu tuh uli perut aku skt punya lama, i felt quite better after that, n we're back home by 9. which was well since by then ppl start going out to vote.
perang bendera mmg la byk, tp yg kelakar nya, in between pas n umno/bn punya posters muka2 calon, tetiba terselit kat tgh2 tu satu banner, tulis (somewhat translates into this la couldnt remember exact words), 'demi palestin, mari boikot anwar ibrahim'. we were like, ape kah ini? mcm xde kena-mengena langsung jeee dgn kempen... aku rasa yg bertanding pas dgn umno. xtau la kalo anybody can make any direct connection about it, but we found that banner funny :D
n oh, xjadi pindah this cny. heh. mula2 tu mmg iye2 nk pindah time tu sb cuti kan. tp my FIL said tarikh x sesuai, tgh hujung bulan. org tua2 kata, nak naik umah baru, kena awal2 bulan, b4 the 15th. ikut bulan Islam la. maka, postpone.
tgh sale lg x ah? i sooo need a hairdryer... tu lah, time aku kawen xde sape bagi hairdryer. dapat periuk nasik sampai 5-6, iron 5-6, cerek 5-6, set cawan 5-6, hairdryer 0. padahal yg tu pun penting *sengih cm kerang busuk smbil angkat2 kening* hehehehe
important note to myself: nak bagi hadiah org kawen next time, hair dryer wd be a great idea, apart from my all time favourite, cadar (satu lagi alasan utk angkat2 kening) oohhh, adakah ini penangan hari khamismalam jumaat?
toodles! ;)
anyway, blk trganu dah setel. its always been a joy blk to hariz's parents' place, since it means lots of fresh fish, and my favourite sotong celup tepung. the by-election went quite smoothly i think, though i didnt dare go accompany hariz tgk tmpt mengundi tuh. i did go out at about 7.15 am cmtu with my MIL, p berurut. walaupun moksu tuh uli perut aku skt punya lama, i felt quite better after that, n we're back home by 9. which was well since by then ppl start going out to vote.
perang bendera mmg la byk, tp yg kelakar nya, in between pas n umno/bn punya posters muka2 calon, tetiba terselit kat tgh2 tu satu banner, tulis (somewhat translates into this la couldnt remember exact words), 'demi palestin, mari boikot anwar ibrahim'. we were like, ape kah ini? mcm xde kena-mengena langsung jeee dgn kempen... aku rasa yg bertanding pas dgn umno. xtau la kalo anybody can make any direct connection about it, but we found that banner funny :D
n oh, xjadi pindah this cny. heh. mula2 tu mmg iye2 nk pindah time tu sb cuti kan. tp my FIL said tarikh x sesuai, tgh hujung bulan. org tua2 kata, nak naik umah baru, kena awal2 bulan, b4 the 15th. ikut bulan Islam la. maka, postpone.
tgh sale lg x ah? i sooo need a hairdryer... tu lah, time aku kawen xde sape bagi hairdryer. dapat periuk nasik sampai 5-6, iron 5-6, cerek 5-6, set cawan 5-6, hairdryer 0. padahal yg tu pun penting *sengih cm kerang busuk smbil angkat2 kening* hehehehe
important note to myself: nak bagi hadiah org kawen next time, hair dryer wd be a great idea, apart from my all time favourite, cadar (satu lagi alasan utk angkat2 kening) oohhh, adakah ini penangan hari khamis
toodles! ;)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
balik kampunggg
weekend - terengganu
next week subang
raya cina (hopefully) pindah barang
busy? u bet.
cepat la sikit setel semua. xlarat dah nak layan. kalo larat pun aku malas. i am very de lazy.
sakit kepala dan mual lah skrg. hangin satu badan. ha... dgr mual2 ni jgn nak speku mcm2 eh, hehehe... aku rasa ni sbb od susu, xde mende lain de. malas nye nak amik MMT/gelusil (a truly lazy pharmacist).
toodles babes!
weekend - terengganu
next week subang
raya cina (hopefully) pindah barang
busy? u bet.
cepat la sikit setel semua. xlarat dah nak layan. kalo larat pun aku malas. i am very de lazy.
sakit kepala dan mual lah skrg. hangin satu badan. ha... dgr mual2 ni jgn nak speku mcm2 eh, hehehe... aku rasa ni sbb od susu, xde mende lain de. malas nye nak amik MMT/gelusil (a truly lazy pharmacist).
toodles babes!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
yg mana satu idaman kalbu
lets see which cosmetics, perfumes and skincare yg termasuk dlm list should boycott:
bobbi brown essentials
bath and bodyworks
donna karan cosmetics
estee lauder
giorgio armani perfumes
helena rubenstein
la mer
MAC cosmetics
ralph lauren perfumes
stila cosmetics
vichy laboratories
victoria's secret
bath and bodyworks
donna karan cosmetics
estee lauder
giorgio armani perfumes
helena rubenstein
la mer
MAC cosmetics
ralph lauren perfumes
stila cosmetics
vichy laboratories
victoria's secret
MAC jugak??? oh tidakkkkkk
which leaves me with:
anna sui
make up store
make up forever
shu uemura
paul and joe
kose - lunasol
elizabeth arden
oh hang on, banyak jugak choice rupanya...
higher end
the body shop
majolica majorca
rimmel london
these are all mainly cosmetics, skincare nk pakai apa ehhhhhhh... hmmmmm... confusion confusion...
which leaves me with:
anna sui
make up store
make up forever
shu uemura
paul and joe
kose - lunasol
elizabeth arden
oh hang on, banyak jugak choice rupanya...
higher end
- chanel
- christian dior
- guerlain
the body shop
majolica majorca
rimmel london
these are all mainly cosmetics, skincare nk pakai apa ehhhhhhh... hmmmmm... confusion confusion...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
justifying my current fix
in the four days i stayed at home last weekend, i gulped down at least 1 dutchlady lowfat milk 1lit, 1 dutchlady choc milk 1 lit, 2 cartons of HL choc milk 1 lit and half of dutchlady full cream milk 1 lit gone. byk siot. almost satu tong 5.5lit mineral water tuh. i dunno why but i juz felt like drinking that n nothing else. milo pun x buat. i didnt really feel like eating either. like, now, its juz makan utk hidup shj, bukan mkn sebab teringin. which is saying something since aku mmg sgt suka mkn sbb nk mkn.
does that last few sentences confuse u? aku yg konfius. byk sgt perkataan mkn.
now i know how babies survive on milk alone. org besar pun buleh rupanya.
then i stumbled upon an article from women's health, about the best fitness food for women.
the list are:
n another one in the list... jengjengjeng...
not juz any milk y'all, chocolate milk okeh. a touch of cocoa does kick more punch in it! hurray!!!
aku buleh togok HL choc milk seberapa byk aku mau..... muahahahaha..
to read the full article, click here.
does that last few sentences confuse u? aku yg konfius. byk sgt perkataan mkn.
now i know how babies survive on milk alone. org besar pun buleh rupanya.
then i stumbled upon an article from women's health, about the best fitness food for women.
the list are:
- avocadoes
- whole grain bgels
- bananas
- berries
- carrots
- whole grain cereal
- chicken thighs
- low fat cottage cheese
- cranberries
- eggs
- ground flaxseed
- potatoes
- salmon
- oranges
- peanuts
n another one in the list... jengjengjeng...
not juz any milk y'all, chocolate milk okeh. a touch of cocoa does kick more punch in it! hurray!!!
aku buleh togok HL choc milk seberapa byk aku mau..... muahahahaha..
to read the full article, click here.
when we see the news nowadays its all about the Gaza land invasion. n the total toll of deaths have exceeded 900, and at least about 400 of them are civilians. tiap2 kali tgk tele kesian sgt dgn budak2 yg jadi mangsa. n what really pissed me off is that the israelis r hoo-haaa-ing about their casualties yg kalo skali kena serang dua tiga ekor je mati walhal when THEY attack hundreds palestinian civilians died.
n those EU ppl, yg nak jadi org tgh tu had the cheek to say hamas is to be blamed for commencing air strike. dey sarkozy come on laaa... sapa yg start dulu... ni la dia, dh dpt bini cantikyg suka bogel merata-rata abis semua benda xleh nak fikir rasional dah.
boycotting israeli products, however, for me, is a double-edge sword. i do feel the guilt for having milo (but i'm taking HL for a change), putting on EL and bobbi brown make ups almost every day, pakai j&j baby oil and powder, loreal creams, scott kitchen towels (ouuuhh goooodddnneeesss byk nya yg aku pakai) n sapa yg guna kotex for their monthly visits wont have the heart to change it to anything else. but if we think of the other side of the fence, byk locals yg kerja dgn these companies yg ada base di malaysia. if we do boycott these products, when the companies go down, then what happens to the employees? diorg pun cari makan.
but back to what i initially think, if org yg kerja situ keep it in their conscience all those images of little bodies wrapped bloody kain kafan, they would soon find jobs in other companies.
thats it. time utk aku memikirkan hala tuju make up dan skincare aku selepas ni. pening lagi..
n those EU ppl, yg nak jadi org tgh tu had the cheek to say hamas is to be blamed for commencing air strike. dey sarkozy come on laaa... sapa yg start dulu... ni la dia, dh dpt bini cantik
boycotting israeli products, however, for me, is a double-edge sword. i do feel the guilt for having milo (but i'm taking HL for a change), putting on EL and bobbi brown make ups almost every day, pakai j&j baby oil and powder, loreal creams, scott kitchen towels (ouuuhh goooodddnneeesss byk nya yg aku pakai) n sapa yg guna kotex for their monthly visits wont have the heart to change it to anything else. but if we think of the other side of the fence, byk locals yg kerja dgn these companies yg ada base di malaysia. if we do boycott these products, when the companies go down, then what happens to the employees? diorg pun cari makan.
but back to what i initially think, if org yg kerja situ keep it in their conscience all those images of little bodies wrapped bloody kain kafan, they would soon find jobs in other companies.
thats it. time utk aku memikirkan hala tuju make up dan skincare aku selepas ni. pening lagi..
Friday, January 9, 2009
tag by cik dr shu
ohhh.. kena tag by dr shu.
Syarat dan peraturan:
1. I HATE AIRASIA (refer my older post pls)
2. what i hate even more? the girl who sat at the airasia sales counter at the lcct
3. i hate the fact that airasia so conveniently place juz ONE number to entertain the whole of malaysia for enquiry, n the office is not even there anymore!
ok, of other more random things:
4. what i'd love right now, is a day out with my partner and watching movies with a bag of popcorn.
5. but i couldnt do no 4 since i'm sneezing nonstop and that might interfere with my and everybody in the cinema watching the movie
6. so my other alternative, doing laundry and clean at least a bit of the place with desperate housewive rerun on the tele. so not fun.
7. i think i od'ed on HL chocolate milk yesterday.
8. i'm on leave for two days.
9. aku tetiba terasa teringin nak dpt anak kembar la. best kan. keluar2 anak dah ada kawan.
10. ni ialah laki aku yg suka mkn kambing.
11. i'm thinking of trimming my hair. n my hands itch to cut somebody else's hair. bila nk balik sp neyyyhh..
12. aku sgt sedih when i found out seafood pizza is out of italliannies menu.
13. aku dah x larat nk pk apa lagi nak tulis nak bagi jadi 16
14. aku xbrapa lalu mkn seminggu dua ni, x tau apsal. hopefully nothing serious.
15. i was thinking of... emmm... right now, nothing really..
16. yeay dah sampai no.16!!
mmhhh.. nak kena hasut 16 org ke? malas laaa... juz a few yg aku tau akan buat ok x
Syarat dan peraturan:
- Apabila telah terpilih dengan malangnya, silalah menulis 16 perkara paling rawak sama ada tentang fakta, perangai tak senonoh ataupun hala tuju hidup anda.
- Silalah hasut 16 orang lain untuk melakukan perkara ini.
- Sila tanda manusia yang telah menanda anda di peringkat awal.
- Ketahuilah, jika anda terpilih ia adalah kerana anda juga manusia biasa yang perlukan perhatian dan kasih sayang yang secukupnya ketika bayi.
1. I HATE AIRASIA (refer my older post pls)
2. what i hate even more? the girl who sat at the airasia sales counter at the lcct
3. i hate the fact that airasia so conveniently place juz ONE number to entertain the whole of malaysia for enquiry, n the office is not even there anymore!
ok, of other more random things:
4. what i'd love right now, is a day out with my partner and watching movies with a bag of popcorn.
5. but i couldnt do no 4 since i'm sneezing nonstop and that might interfere with my and everybody in the cinema watching the movie
6. so my other alternative, doing laundry and clean at least a bit of the place with desperate housewive rerun on the tele. so not fun.
7. i think i od'ed on HL chocolate milk yesterday.
8. i'm on leave for two days.
9. aku tetiba terasa teringin nak dpt anak kembar la. best kan. keluar2 anak dah ada kawan.
10. ni ialah laki aku yg suka mkn kambing.
11. i'm thinking of trimming my hair. n my hands itch to cut somebody else's hair. bila nk balik sp neyyyhh..
12. aku sgt sedih when i found out seafood pizza is out of italliannies menu.
13. aku dah x larat nk pk apa lagi nak tulis nak bagi jadi 16
14. aku xbrapa lalu mkn seminggu dua ni, x tau apsal. hopefully nothing serious.
15. i was thinking of... emmm... right now, nothing really..
16. yeay dah sampai no.16!!
mmhhh.. nak kena hasut 16 org ke? malas laaa... juz a few yg aku tau akan buat ok x
- cik farah
- cik nasreen
- cik yati kelantan, omg lupa ada dua org. ok, cik siti nuryati, n puan azzyati.
- cik yah... hei lama x update blog cek nih..
sick sick sick
feeling better now. stil a bit heavyheaded, but otherwise fine. my nose's still runny though. the best part is, dapat mc, dua hari. its so sweet of the dr to ask whether i need 1 or 2 days off. so i said, 1 would be good, but 2 would be better! so i'm on leave from yesterday till sunday. yeay! plenty plenty plenty of rest :D
wednesday was so exhausting n made me soooooo damn angry it took some toll on me yg dah mmg x brp sihat. tgk, sampai mc sudah.
its a bit complicated and long to tell, but in a nutshell, all i can say is that i'm vowing to stay away from airasia as long as i can n to the woman staff that i deal with at the lcct, no thanks lady, ur help was no help at all. i spent a good 45 minutes with u n the best u came up with is a number from the internet that has been discontinued! some help u r. if i dont get my money back, u, of all ppl, will not live ur life easily. n what i wrote here is mild compared to what i actually felt towards u.
there. thats some load off my chest. thank you for reading this crap i'm writing here.
wednesday was so exhausting n made me soooooo damn angry it took some toll on me yg dah mmg x brp sihat. tgk, sampai mc sudah.
its a bit complicated and long to tell, but in a nutshell, all i can say is that i'm vowing to stay away from airasia as long as i can n to the woman staff that i deal with at the lcct, no thanks lady, ur help was no help at all. i spent a good 45 minutes with u n the best u came up with is a number from the internet that has been discontinued! some help u r. if i dont get my money back, u, of all ppl, will not live ur life easily. n what i wrote here is mild compared to what i actually felt towards u.
there. thats some load off my chest. thank you for reading this crap i'm writing here.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
makan ke x?
recalled a conversation with aliah during adi's wedding:
aliah: tu la kan, lps ni aku aim nak..
aliah&aku (serentak): kurang fastfood!
ambitious kan. utk org yg sllu bergelandangan seperti aku dan hariz, dan seorang student master yg xtentu klas sampai tgh mlm mcm aliah, fastfood mmg adalah agak ruji. kalo bukan fastfood, mamak lah kalo kat shah alam ni, bersepah2 kedai maple. but i'm not very fond of kedai mamak. not bcoz of the food, no, i totally heart indian food. usually i'm juz put off by the crowd there. kalo tmpat xramai org ok je.
but how do u classify the food as fastfood? izit juz those pizza parlours, sushi eateries, mekdi, kfc dan yg sewaktu dgnnya? but then, some eateries nowadays prepared their food earlier. katalah, like, laksa shack, dia assemble je ingredients, tuang kuah yg dah siap berperiuk2 tuh, setel. heck even kalo kedai yg kita order2 tu kan, kalo like for example kita order nasi grg ayam, nasi grg tu most of the time dia dah masak siap2 pun byk2, juz scoop dgn mangkuk, bubuh atas pinggan, dah, letak ayam seketul, siap. fast jugak nama dia kan?
adakah aku perlu melupakan kesukaan aku kepada sushi king, dan wendy's, fresh food made fast itu? ohhhh tidaaaaakkkk
xpe anis, xpayah buat semak2 kepala pk, xde maknanya. baik mkn je asal bersih dan halalan toyyiban kan.
ini ialah hasil pemikiran yg telah menerawang x tentu hala.
p/s: hari isnin: pk nak start boikot produk israel.
hari selasa: makan egg mcmuffin mcdonald's.
apa maknanya tuh? lepas ni kena tetap kan hati, buat jugak okeh! think anis, think of those innocent, bloody faces.
p/p/s: seafood pizza kesukaan aku di italiannies dah xde dlm menu. hwaaaa!!!!!!
aliah: tu la kan, lps ni aku aim nak..
aliah&aku (serentak): kurang fastfood!
ambitious kan. utk org yg sllu bergelandangan seperti aku dan hariz, dan seorang student master yg xtentu klas sampai tgh mlm mcm aliah, fastfood mmg adalah agak ruji. kalo bukan fastfood, mamak lah kalo kat shah alam ni, bersepah2 kedai maple. but i'm not very fond of kedai mamak. not bcoz of the food, no, i totally heart indian food. usually i'm juz put off by the crowd there. kalo tmpat xramai org ok je.
but how do u classify the food as fastfood? izit juz those pizza parlours, sushi eateries, mekdi, kfc dan yg sewaktu dgnnya? but then, some eateries nowadays prepared their food earlier. katalah, like, laksa shack, dia assemble je ingredients, tuang kuah yg dah siap berperiuk2 tuh, setel. heck even kalo kedai yg kita order2 tu kan, kalo like for example kita order nasi grg ayam, nasi grg tu most of the time dia dah masak siap2 pun byk2, juz scoop dgn mangkuk, bubuh atas pinggan, dah, letak ayam seketul, siap. fast jugak nama dia kan?
adakah aku perlu melupakan kesukaan aku kepada sushi king, dan wendy's, fresh food made fast itu? ohhhh tidaaaaakkkk
xpe anis, xpayah buat semak2 kepala pk, xde maknanya. baik mkn je asal bersih dan halalan toyyiban kan.
ini ialah hasil pemikiran yg telah menerawang x tentu hala.
p/s: hari isnin: pk nak start boikot produk israel.
hari selasa: makan egg mcmuffin mcdonald's.
apa maknanya tuh? lepas ni kena tetap kan hati, buat jugak okeh! think anis, think of those innocent, bloody faces.
p/p/s: seafood pizza kesukaan aku di italiannies dah xde dlm menu. hwaaaa!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
yeay yeay!

tp xpa. skrg happy. sbb dah dapat cinta hati baru setelah dpt greenlight dr encik suami *senyum sampai ke telinga*

lps ni all those books yg x sama saiz buleh derma hehehe
Monday, January 5, 2009
arini disebabkan first day for bebudak masuk darjah satu, haruslah jln jam kan. we were out of the house like more than 15 mins earlier than usual to get the same kind of traffic as masa bulan 11-12.
mcm hape je bersiap. and those who knows me know, that i have those veryrajinidollupmyfacefor1/2hour days, and those sgtmalassampaimosturisernbedakpunxpakai days. n today is one of the latter days. handbag pun bawak sampai 2, the clutch that i used yesterday, n office handbag. semua gara2 xtransfer barang back into the one that i'm supposed to bring today.
okies. lari tajuk plk. nk cerita pasal jam tadi. although it was kinda smooth, albeit a lot of cars, there were a few times yg kitorg sipi2 nk accident. hariz mmg a fast driver, that i admit, but these few 'almost accident' moments came from those yg dtg dari lane sebelah yg nk ke lane that we're on without giving signals. a few times in one short 40minute journey is a lot. kalo ko tgh laju tetiba org dari lane sebelah nk cut through in front of u mana la nak sempat nk slow2. not our fault, we were on the rightest lane anyway so mmg la laju.
what i'm saying is juz pls la jgn buat mcm tu, kalo rebeh keta laki aku tu sapa jugak susah, org yg langgar tu la kan nk kena bayar. dh la keta tgh byk, kalo accident kan ke lagi jam. ko sebok nk rush2, pastu accident, lagi melambatkan perjalanan ko. ha, time tu baru la aku nak kata;
mcm hape je bersiap. and those who knows me know, that i have those veryrajinidollupmyfacefor1/2hour days, and those sgtmalassampaimosturisernbedakpunxpakai days. n today is one of the latter days. handbag pun bawak sampai 2, the clutch that i used yesterday, n office handbag. semua gara2 xtransfer barang back into the one that i'm supposed to bring today.
okies. lari tajuk plk. nk cerita pasal jam tadi. although it was kinda smooth, albeit a lot of cars, there were a few times yg kitorg sipi2 nk accident. hariz mmg a fast driver, that i admit, but these few 'almost accident' moments came from those yg dtg dari lane sebelah yg nk ke lane that we're on without giving signals. a few times in one short 40minute journey is a lot. kalo ko tgh laju tetiba org dari lane sebelah nk cut through in front of u mana la nak sempat nk slow2. not our fault, we were on the rightest lane anyway so mmg la laju.
what i'm saying is juz pls la jgn buat mcm tu, kalo rebeh keta laki aku tu sapa jugak susah, org yg langgar tu la kan nk kena bayar. dh la keta tgh byk, kalo accident kan ke lagi jam. ko sebok nk rush2, pastu accident, lagi melambatkan perjalanan ko. ha, time tu baru la aku nak kata;
my weekend post
yuhuuuu... sedih ni. sale dah abis... huhuhu... weekend was jampacked, xsempat nk shopping puas2.
friday night went to peon's solemnization. u can read more at farina's place. aku pegi straight from work as hariz abis keje pukul 6 sthing. tp kalo tau about 9 baru start we'd gone back home first n freshen up. kesian hubbs, by the end of it at about 12 cmtu, he looked as if the lorry has run him over. tp xpe busuk2 pun laki aku jugak ;)
but anyway, the event was nice and smooth, the bride looked very gorgeous n sgt lah excited, pose apa yg dia x buat for the camera hehehe. but the groom wasnt outdone in excitedness, akad sekali je, laju nk mati plk tuh. nampak sgt seronok nk kawen kan hehehe xpa2 understood2, mmg sgt seronok nak kawen :D jenuh bagi signal ke peon suruh2 dia buat malu2 skt atas pelamin tu. dia dok sebok bat her eyelashes ke cameraman blkg tok kadi. si tok kadi plk xperasan the bride was behind him, not behind the groom (which is sofia, who tok kadi mistaken as the bride. buleh x?). that, was hilarious. anyhoo peon, u looked absolutely radiant, and u n zeff made such a lovely couple. so happy for uuuu!!
the next day i couldnt attend peon's reception kat umah sbb hariz keje. tried to make fist-sized meatballs tp x berani, takut toaster oven aku terkejut. maka buat la meatballs sebesar fist baby hehehe. lps mkn a very late lunch with hariz, we made our way to one utama for last minute shopping. pukul 6 baru sampai (walaupun rumah hanya sekangkang kera from ou). haruslah parking mcm nk mati cari.

nk tgk outlander, tp xjadi since available seats were like 3 rows from the screen. xde laki hensem, maka xde makna nya nk tgk dekat2 cmtu kan. we went on n shop3, sempat jugak la ke our fave place and grab some stuffs. then mkn waffles pada pukul 9.30 mlm. mana la x kembang segala maknenek yg ada pada badan aku.
we also bought a lil something for my sis since she got 7A 2B for her PMR. i say, ok lah tu, buleh sambung lg kat skolah tu. spm lagi penting kan.
come sunday we went to reception at zeff's side. aku buleh x perasan address zeff tu rupanya selang sebaris je dgn umah cousin aku. hmpeh. ye je kata x tau jalan, padahal dah penah pegi. hampeh.
after this i got loads of things to do, at work satu hal, at home, mana nak sort out baju nk let go lagi (since aku menggemuk dan xmengurus kembali lagi pun) buang barang2 yg x pakai, n start packing skt2, in between that sempat lagi nk balik trganu, si hariz balik mengundi. ada sapa nak pesan sutera terengganu? aku bab bab shopping ni laju aje hehehe
friday night went to peon's solemnization. u can read more at farina's place. aku pegi straight from work as hariz abis keje pukul 6 sthing. tp kalo tau about 9 baru start we'd gone back home first n freshen up. kesian hubbs, by the end of it at about 12 cmtu, he looked as if the lorry has run him over. tp xpe busuk2 pun laki aku jugak ;)
but anyway, the event was nice and smooth, the bride looked very gorgeous n sgt lah excited, pose apa yg dia x buat for the camera hehehe. but the groom wasnt outdone in excitedness, akad sekali je, laju nk mati plk tuh. nampak sgt seronok nk kawen kan hehehe xpa2 understood2, mmg sgt seronok nak kawen :D jenuh bagi signal ke peon suruh2 dia buat malu2 skt atas pelamin tu. dia dok sebok bat her eyelashes ke cameraman blkg tok kadi. si tok kadi plk xperasan the bride was behind him, not behind the groom (which is sofia, who tok kadi mistaken as the bride. buleh x?). that, was hilarious. anyhoo peon, u looked absolutely radiant, and u n zeff made such a lovely couple. so happy for uuuu!!
the next day i couldnt attend peon's reception kat umah sbb hariz keje. tried to make fist-sized meatballs tp x berani, takut toaster oven aku terkejut. maka buat la meatballs sebesar fist baby hehehe. lps mkn a very late lunch with hariz, we made our way to one utama for last minute shopping. pukul 6 baru sampai (walaupun rumah hanya sekangkang kera from ou). haruslah parking mcm nk mati cari.

nk tgk outlander, tp xjadi since available seats were like 3 rows from the screen. xde laki hensem, maka xde makna nya nk tgk dekat2 cmtu kan. we went on n shop3, sempat jugak la ke our fave place and grab some stuffs. then mkn waffles pada pukul 9.30 mlm. mana la x kembang segala maknenek yg ada pada badan aku.
we also bought a lil something for my sis since she got 7A 2B for her PMR. i say, ok lah tu, buleh sambung lg kat skolah tu. spm lagi penting kan.
come sunday we went to reception at zeff's side. aku buleh x perasan address zeff tu rupanya selang sebaris je dgn umah cousin aku. hmpeh. ye je kata x tau jalan, padahal dah penah pegi. hampeh.
after this i got loads of things to do, at work satu hal, at home, mana nak sort out baju nk let go lagi (since aku menggemuk dan xmengurus kembali lagi pun) buang barang2 yg x pakai, n start packing skt2, in between that sempat lagi nk balik trganu, si hariz balik mengundi. ada sapa nak pesan sutera terengganu? aku bab bab shopping ni laju aje hehehe
Friday, January 2, 2009
what did i miss on the NY eve??!!
korg sllu selebret new year ke? me n hariz, being on the quiet side, xpenah p celebrate new year on the eve itself. whenever 31st dec comes, we make sure we arrive home before 8-9pm, so as not to get ourselves stuck in the massive traffic. n we definitely made sure we avoid LDP this time, alang kan jumaat mlm pun dah sesak kat dpn OU/the curve tuh, ni kan plk new year eve kan. after work we had a quick drive through kat mekdi, pastu headed straight home. we can actually watch the fireworks from our windows actually so xla miss apa2 sgt. tp tahun ni x dapat tgk.
i slept through all those chaos.
my throat was burning, n i was feeling in perpetual need to hurl out all the things i've eaten (bubur ayam je tp), so i juz zip my mouth shut to clamp down the nausea, laze on the couch while attempting to watch pontianak harum sundal malam since hariz asyik dok menghadap pc main fallout 3 dan x layan manjaan aku.
devoid of attention, i fell asleep on the couch. n didnt stir one bit. mind u the couch was right beside the window, n kalo time2 cmtu (CNY ke deepavali ke merdeka ke or in this case new year lah kan) sgt la bingit nye dgn karaoke dan mercun2. tp aku xdgr satu mende pun. tu pun terjaga at 4sthing sbb x solat isyak lagi. nasib baik bangun, kalo x ter miss satu dos ubat, then i would have to start the course all over again.
the next day hariz ckp actually nk kejut tgk fireworks tp kesian tgk lena sgt maka dia x kacau. hmmh.. alasan.. x dpt tgk fireworks... hwaaa!!!
we planned to go out n spend a bit more b4 the sale ends but end up spending the day at home je since both of us dilanda demam (dan aku la yg mengada2 xlarat la hape la kan).
dan makan bubur nasi extra halia dgn ikan bilis goreng kicap sepanjang hari. mcm org tgh pantang bersalin. heh. tp sedap je aku blasah hehehe
tp arini dah ok. maka bersemangat utk p nikah cik peon dan en. zeff pada mlm ni. sori peon esok aku xleh p reception kat umah ko sb hariz keje. ahad kat umah zeff tu aku p okeh!
okey. kena buat keja org len arini. enjoy ur weekend yeap. ada sikiiittt lagi menda nak dishoppingkan ;)
i slept through all those chaos.
my throat was burning, n i was feeling in perpetual need to hurl out all the things i've eaten (bubur ayam je tp), so i juz zip my mouth shut to clamp down the nausea, laze on the couch while attempting to watch pontianak harum sundal malam since hariz asyik dok menghadap pc main fallout 3 dan x layan manjaan aku.
devoid of attention, i fell asleep on the couch. n didnt stir one bit. mind u the couch was right beside the window, n kalo time2 cmtu (CNY ke deepavali ke merdeka ke or in this case new year lah kan) sgt la bingit nye dgn karaoke dan mercun2. tp aku xdgr satu mende pun. tu pun terjaga at 4sthing sbb x solat isyak lagi. nasib baik bangun, kalo x ter miss satu dos ubat, then i would have to start the course all over again.
the next day hariz ckp actually nk kejut tgk fireworks tp kesian tgk lena sgt maka dia x kacau. hmmh.. alasan.. x dpt tgk fireworks... hwaaa!!!
we planned to go out n spend a bit more b4 the sale ends but end up spending the day at home je since both of us dilanda demam (dan aku la yg mengada2 xlarat la hape la kan).
dan makan bubur nasi extra halia dgn ikan bilis goreng kicap sepanjang hari. mcm org tgh pantang bersalin. heh. tp sedap je aku blasah hehehe
tp arini dah ok. maka bersemangat utk p nikah cik peon dan en. zeff pada mlm ni. sori peon esok aku xleh p reception kat umah ko sb hariz keje. ahad kat umah zeff tu aku p okeh!
okey. kena buat keja org len arini. enjoy ur weekend yeap. ada sikiiittt lagi menda nak dishoppingkan ;)
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